Nottetempo in: Viaggio a Km0 Safar 2^puntata

safarLa mia vita è un lungo safar, un viaggio ed una colonna sonora…

La seconda puntata di safar viaggio a Km0 nato dalla collaborazione di Livia Napolitano e Linda Mongelli sulle musiche dei Kaiorda disponibile su RadioLibriamociWeb   ogni giorno  alle ore: 00.00-03.00-06.00-09.00-12.00-15.00-18.00-21.00 ; ed in podcast QUI.


Il secondo itinerario di viaggio a Km0 propone un tour virtuale tra le rovine di Pompei.

 English Notes:

  • The sites of Pompei and Ercolano are of great archeological value and famous worldwide for the extraordinary number of remains. Actually, the whole area is interspersed with finds from a distant past, especially those that witness the presence of the Roman emperors who first recognized the beauty of these places.
    Not to mention the natural masterpiece created over the course of the millennia by the volcanic eruptions and lava flows that have drawn such a unique landscape: it is a reminder of the strength and grandeur of Mother Nature, against which man can do very little”.
  • Mount Vesuvius: Mount Vesuvius has experienced eight major eruptions in the last 17,000 years. The 79 AD eruption is one of the most well known ancient eruptions in the world, and may have killed more than 16,000 people. Ash, mud and rocks from this eruption buried the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Pompeii is famous for the casts the hot ash formed around victims of the eruptions. The unfortunate people suffocated on ash in the air, which then covered them and preserved amazing details of their clothing and faces”. News and information about Geology.
  • Mentre se stai programmando un viaggio in questi luoghi ecco una serie di link utili  : escursioni sul cratere del vesuvio; scavi archeologici di Pompei ; scavi archeologici di Ercolano. Inoltre non perdere l’esperienza multisensoriale proposta dal museo MAV di Ercolano: vero viaggio nel tempo per conoscere come si viveva nelle due città prima dell’eruzione del 79.d.C.che le distrusse.